


- Mobile Phone Company and Cell Phones in Mexico
Unefon Mexico - Cell phone company with mobile services and internet plans.
Unefon is a cell phone company in Mexico.


Company : Unefon
Website :  Unefon

Phone : *611 / 800 16 14 116 / 800 333 06 11
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

Unefon México: Communication Without Limits

Communication Services:

Unefon offers diversified communication services, including mobile phone plans, internet, and text messaging.

Accessibility throughout Mexico:

Unefon provides reliable coverage throughout Mexico, including rural areas, ensuring users stay connected no matter where they are.

Flexible Plans:

The company offers flexible plans that cater to individual needs, providing options for unlimited calls and messages or data solutions.

Additional Benefits:

Unefon offers additional benefits, such as international minute packages and the convenience of keeping your current number when switching to its services.

Customer Service:

Customer satisfaction is a top priority for Unefon México, with a commitment to providing high-quality customer service and addressing all inquiries and needs.

Join the Unefon Community:

For detailed information on Unefon México's services and plans, visit the official website and learn how to join the Unefon community.


Unefon México stands as a key player in the country's telecommunications landscape, offering a high-quality communication solution that meets the diverse needs of all Mexicans. Join the Unefon community and experience communication without limits!

Plans :

Unefon Control 1.5 GB Plan

Includes 1.5 GB of internet, unlimited calls and messages in Mexico, the United States and Canada, and 50 text messages to other international destinations. The monthly cost is $199 MXN.

Unefon Control 3 GB Plan

Includes 3 GB of internet, unlimited calls and messages in Mexico, the United States and Canada, and 50 text messages to other international destinations. The monthly cost is $299 MXN.

Unefon Control 5 GB Plan

Includes 5 GB of internet, unlimited calls and messages in Mexico, the United States and Canada, and 50 text messages to other international destinations. The monthly cost is $399 MXN.

Prepaid :

Unefon Flex Package

Includes unlimited minutes, messages and social networks in Mexico, 2 GB of Internet, and calls and messages to the United States and Canada for $0.60 per minute/message. The cost is $100 for 30 days.

Unefon Unlimited Package

Includes unlimited minutes and messages to any company in Mexico, the United States and Canada, unlimited social networks, and 4 GB of Internet. The cost is $200 for 30 days.

Phones in Mexico: Telcel, Movistar, AT&T, Telmex, Unefon, Virgin Mobile México, Weex, Maz Tiempo, Flash Mobile, FreedomPop, Qbocel, Megacable, Axtel, Pillofon, Totalplay, Cierto, Tuenti, IFT
The customer can compare cell phone companies and the different options of plans and packages. List of the best mobile phone companies and smartphones in Mexico. Analysis of the market of mobile carriers, telecommunications and the use of technology in the future of the country.
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