

Buro de Credito - Mexico  -
Credit bureau in Mexico : The Buro de Credito reports credit information to other companies about payments history and behavior of individuals and businesses. They have become a reference for the granting of credit in most countries; because the credit records of natural persons and companies.

A credit bureau is a company providing services to Financial Institutions and its main purpose is to support the country's economic activity, companies providing information to enable them to greater openness and public confidence to the granting of credit to customers, maintaining a healthy business administration and transparency of information.


The credit bureau may only provide information about a person or company, in the following cases:

The Contractor requests your credit history Credit Report Special.
the creditor, who has contracted the service, requesting the credit report from a person or company, upon authorization from the latter.

Credit bureaus do not decide whether a credit or not approved, nor emit question whether a person is or is not subject to credit; only provide credit information and payment behavior of a person or company. It is the creditor, who in function to the analysis made by a credit report and to policies that have set, decides whether to extend the credit.

Credit grantors from month to month provided information on their accreditation. Detailed information on their credit as well as how they were paid. The Buros receive information and update each of the credit histories, as appropriate.

The credit grantors who have purchased the service of the bureaus are: banks, card issuers, landlords, auto finance companies, mortgage and general goods, department stores, commercial companies and Companies communication services.


Since credit bureaus credit information companies, their operation and that of the creditors who have signed up for its service is governed by the Act to regulate the credit information companies and by the General Rules of the Bank of Mexico.

For further information, is available to the general public the following sites:

Ley para Regular a las Sociedades de Informacion Crediticia

Reglas Generales de Banco de Mexico

Preguntas Frecuentes respecto al Buro de Credito

Buro de Credito - Mexico - Related sites
Congreso Nacional para Ejecutivos de Credito National Executive Congress Credit - Official website of the National Congress for Executives of Credit and Collection from Mexico and Latin America.
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