Mexico Codes |
Codes of Mexico+52 MX - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp |
Mexico Codes (+52) MX / MEX - Country Code for Mobile Phones, Telephone Calls, Whatsapp Messages and SMS. List of International Dial Code by City. Mobile Phone Companies. |
(+52) Mexico Country Code. International Dial Code. Search by city. Find phone, address, and contacts |
.MX is the country code for internet and national web sites |
List of Area codes in Mexico |
Mexico Country Code: +52 is the Country Code for Mexico - How to dial to Mexico? Use the Country code for Mexico (+52) and the dialling instructions |
List of Area code, City or metropolitan area in Mexico |
55 - Mexico City |
81 - Monterrey, Nuevo Leon |
33 - Guadalajara, Jalisco |
656 - Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua |
614 - Chihuahua, Chihuahua |
81 - Monterrey, Nuevo Leon |
999 - Mérida, Yucatán |
222 - Puebla, Puebla |
442 - Queretaro, Queretaro |
443 - Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes |
664 - Tijuana, Baja California |
661 - Rosarito, Baja California |
646 - Ensenada, Baja California |
686 - Mexicali, Baja California |
667 - Culiacan, Sinaloa (668) |
687 - Guasave, Sinaloa |
722 - Toluca, Mexico |
998 - Cancun, Quintana Roo |
871 - Torreon, Coahuila |
744 - Acapulco, Guerrero |
444 - San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosi |
833 - Tampico, Tamaulipas |
961 - Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas |
962 - Tapachula, Chiapas |
Telephone numbers in MexicoDialing a cell phone in Mexico from abroad - How to call to Mexico from US? Dial to Mexico from United States or Canada To reach a mobile phone from outside Mexico a 1 must be added before the area code:
011 + 52 + area code + phone number (From US or Canada) |
00 + 52 + area code + phone number (From Europe) |
Mexico - Phone numbers and area codes -
Phone numbers in Mexico are made of ten digits with either two-digit area codes (for Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey and their respective metropolitan areas) or three-digit area codes for the rest of the country.
List of the area codes of major cities or metropolitan areas
Other service numbers |
020 - Operator-assisted domestic collect call |
030 - Local time |
031 - Wake up service |
040 - Information / directory |
050 - Phone company hotline |
060 - Police |
065 - Red Cross |
066 - Emergency services |
070 - City hotline (not available in some cities) |
071 - CFE hotline (electric company) |
080 - Emergency services |
090 - Operator-assisted international collect call |
Mexico Country Code: +52 |
International Call Prefix: 00 |
Trunk Prefix: 01 |
00: international direct dialing (00 + country code + national number) - including USA and Canada. |
01 : domestic direct dialing (01 + area code + number) |
02 : domestic operator dialing (02 + area code + number) |
09 : international operator dialing (09 + country code + number) - including USA and Canada. |
International calls to Mexico: These local prefixes are not when calling Mexico from other countries. Such calls should be dialed using whatever international call prefix (such as +, 00, or 011) is required when making international calls from the country where the call originates. |
Mexican area codes are 3 digits long, except for Mexico City (55), Monterrey (81), Guadalajara (33) and their respective outlying areas. |
Likewise, local numbers are 7 digits long, while Mexico City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara use 8 digit numbers. 8 digit numbers are commonly written two ways:
xxxx xxxx |
xx xx xx xx When dialed within its local area, calling-party-pays mobile phone numbers have a designated prefix: - 044 - - mobile phone (044 + area code + number) For example, when calling within area code 33, a Guadalajara mobile phone would be dialed as: - 044 33 - xxxx xxxx This prefix is dropped when the number is dialed from another city in Mexico and the domestic prefix - 01 - is since calling-party-pays calls can only be made when the mobile subscriber is being called from the same local area. This regulation changed since November 8, 2006, enabling calling-party-pays nationwide (prefix - 045 - ). However, some telco operators have refthe new scheme. Outside the country, mobiles are dialed with a "1" prefixed before the area code effective from 4 November 2006: - +52 1 33 - xxxx xxxx |
It is common to see businesses with multiple lines on the same telephone exchange list their alternate lines without repeating the common numbers. For example, "(55) xxxx xx - 10, 19, 22 y 24 - " would signify a series of lines in Mexico City:
(55) xxxx xx - 10 - |
(55) xxxx xx - 19 - |
(55) xxxx xx - 22 - |
(55) xxxx xx - 24 - |
List of Dialing prefixes - Dial prefix is available for use from within Mexico |
Prefix, Use, Format, Digits after prefix |
00 - International direct dialing - 00 + country code + phone number |
01 - Domestic direct dialing - 01 + area code + phone number - 10 |
02 - Domestic operator dialing - 02 + area code + phone number - 10 |
09 - International operator dialing - 09 + country code + phone number |
044 - Local cell phone from a land line - 044 + area code + phone number - 10 |
Local area code - Local |
cell phone from a cell phone - area code + phone number - 10 |
045 - Domestic cell phone from a land line - 045 + area code + phone number - 10 |
01 - Domestic cell phone from a cell phone - 01 + area code + phone number - 10 |
Mexico - Phone Numbers
Telephone numbers in MexicoDialing a cell phone in Mexico from abroad - How to call to Mexico from US? Dial to Mexico from United States or Canada To reach a mobile phone from outside Mexico a 1 must be added before the area code:
011 + 52 + area code + phone number (From US or Canada) 00 + 52 + area code + phone number (From Europe) |
Mexico - Phone numbers and area codes
Phone numbers in Mexico are made of ten digits with either two-digit area codes (for Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey and their respective metropolitan areas) or three-digit area codes for the rest of the country. List of the area codes of major cities or metropolitan areas
Mexico - Phone Numbers - List of Area codes in Mexico by code |
Code 100 - Area Codes (0-99) - Metropolitan areas of Mexico: Guadalajara, Monterrey and Mexico City |
Code 200 - Area Codes (200-299) - Puebla, Tlaxcala, Oaxaca and Veracruz. |
Code 300 - Area Codes (300-399) - Colima, Jalisco, Michoacán, Nayarit and Zacatecas. |
Code 400 - Area Codes (400-499) - Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Estado de Mexico, Michoacán, Nuevo León, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Zacatecas. |
Code 500 - Area Codes (500-599) - Estado de Mexico and Hidalgo. |
Code 600 - Area Codes (600-699) - Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Durango, Sinaloa and Sonora. |
Code 700 - Area Codes (700-799) - Guerrero, Estado de Mexico, Michoacán, Hidalgo, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, Tlaxcala and Veracruz. |
Code 800 - Area Codes (800-899) - Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas and Veracruz.
800 are for toll free numbers. 801 numbers to be for premium-rate telephone numbers (such as 1-900 numbers in the United States) . Nowadays 900 numbers are premium-rate telephone numbers. |
Code 900 - Area Codes (900-999) - Campeche, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Veracruz and Yucatán. |
Area codes in Mexico by code General Information and References |
Telephone numbers in Mexico General Information and References |
Prefixes: In 1999 Mexico introduced the following dial prefixes for use when making long distance calls from telephones in Mexico
ITU International - National Numbering Plans : Mexico |
To call Mexico City dial: 011 (international access code) + 52 (country code) + 55 (Long Distance) + phone number to dial.
Key long distance from major cities in Mexico are: Mexico DF / Mexico City: 55 Acapulco,State Guerrero: 744 Cabo San Lucas,State Baja California Sur: 624 Cancun,State Quintana Roo: 998 Chihuahua,State Chihuahua: 614 Ciudad Juarez - 656 Cuernavaca,State Morelos: 777 Durango,State Durango: 618 Ensenada - 646 Guadalajara,State Jalisco: 33 Guanajuato,State Guanajuato: 473 La Paz,State Baja California Sur: 612 Manzanillo,State Colima: 314 Merida,State Yucatan: 999 Mexicali,State Baja California Norte: 686 Monterrey,State Nuevo Leon: 81 Morelia,State Michoacan: 443 Nuevo Vallarta,State Nayarit: 322 Oaxaca,State Oaxaca: 951 Pachuca,State Hidalgo: 771 Puebla,State Puebla: 222 Puerto Vallarta - 322 San Jose del Cabo - 624 San Miguel de Allende - 415 Queretaro,State Queretaro: 658 Tijuana,State Baja California Norte: 664 Tuxtla Gutierrez,State Chiapas: 961 Veracruz,State Veracruz: 229 Villahermosa,State Tabasco: 993 Zacatecas,State Zacatecas: 492 Dial 040 for updated information as these these regional telephone prefixes may change. Mexico Telephones. Com is a free internet service providing telephone searches in major phone directories and public databases of Mexico. This new service allows you to take advantage of the latest technologies that allows access public services for all citizens and facilitate your research being paperwork free. This service allows the general public,online consult different sources of public information are available on the Internet. This information is a very important tool for allowing private research to find the most important data of a person instantly. You can keep updated with the latest information and consult them yourself the latest information from the comfort of your home. The population of Mexico is 103 100 000 (according to the count INEGI 2005),which makes it the 11th place worldwide in this category. The Largest City Mexico City is the Capital: Mexico City (DF) which has a population of 13 million people. Vicente Fox Quesada is the current Chairman of the Federal Democratic Republic of Mexico,who was (1 chosen from December 2000 to 2006,and represents the PAN - National Action Party. The Mexican northern border with EE.UUtiene 3117.9 km of extension. It also limits the southeast by Guatemala (960 km) and 176 km border with Belize Area: Total 1,972,550 km2 Since 14th worldwide - Area: Water 2.5% The length of the mainland of Mexico is 11,122 km,treat the second in America,after Canada Mexican states and Capitals |
Mexico Phone Book Search for Free by Name, Business, Address or Phone Number. |
The country code for Mexico is 52. |
If calling from the U.S. or Canada, dial 011 + 52 + area code + phone number. |
Area Code: Mexico City = 55 |
Area Code: Guadalajara = 33 |
Area Code: Monterrey = 81 Area Codes In the three largest cities of Mexico (Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey), the area code is two digits and phone numbers are eight digits, whereas in the rest of the country area codes are three digits and phone numbers are seven digits. |
Long-distance calls from within Mexico
For national long-distance calls (within Mexico) the code is 01 plus the area code and phone number.
For international long-distance calls, first dial 00, then the country code (for the U.S. and Canada the country code is 1, so you would dial 00 + 1 + area code + 7 digit number).
Country Codes
U.S. and Canada 1
United Kingdom 44
Australia 61
New Zealand 64
South Africa 27
Calling Cell Phones
If you're within the area code of the Mexican cell phone number you wish to call, you should dial 044, then the area code, then the phone number. Mexican cell phones are under a plan called "el que llama paga," which means that the person who makes the call pays for it, so calls to cell phones cost more than calls to regular phone numbers. Outside of the area code (but still within Mexico) you would first dial 045 and then the 10 digit phone number. To call a Mexican cell phone from outside the country you would dial as if to a land line: 011-52-1 then the area code and number.
Phone cards
Phone cards ("tarjetas telefonicas") for use in pay phones can be bought at newstands and in pharmacies in denominations of 30, 50 and 100 pesos. Pay phones do not accept coins. When buying a phone card for pay phone use, specify that you would like a "tarjeta LADA," because pre-paid cell phone cards are also sold in the same establishments.
Calling from a pay phone is the most economical way to call, though all long-distance phone calls are more expensive from Mexico than from most other countries. Other options include calling from your hotel, or calling from a "caseta telefonica," a business that has telephone and fax service.
Emergency and Useful Phone Numbers
Keep these phone numbers close at hand for any emergencies that might occur. You do not need a phone card to call 3-digit emergency numbers from a pay phone.
* Emergency 066
* Red Cross 065
* Police 060
* Directory assistance 040
* Tourist protection and information 01 800 903 9200 or 01 800 987 8224, from the U.S. and Canada 1 800 482 9232 or 1 800 401 3880
The telephone network in Mexico is quite efficient but
still some disadvantages compared with communication services from other countries. Public telephony is widely available in public payphones located in all major cities. The public telephones can use calling cards or coins, to allow for national and international calls; The public telephone booths are also common in villages and rural areas. To call abroad from a public booth requires a LADATEL prepaid card that can be bought in shops and supermarkets. In general, local calls are relatively inexpensive, however the cost of international calls are much more high compared to rates prevailing in other countries. If you want to save on calls abroad is recommended to use the reverse charge system. The majority of hotels and accommodations in Mexico offer phone calls from the rooms offering privacy, to make international calls outside your hotel, however this service has an additional cost. The cellular services widely practiced and offers a very wide coverage. There are many companies engaged in the sale and rental of equipment mobile telephones. To call Mexico City tag: |
011 (international access code) + 52 (country code) + 55 (Long Distance) +
phone number to dial. Key long distance from major cities in Mexico are: |
Mexico DF / Mexico City: 55 |
Acapulco, State Guerrero: 744 |
Cabo San Lucas, State Baja California Sur: 624 |
Cancun, State Quintana Roo: 998 |
Chihuahua, State Chihuahua: 614 |
Ciudad Juarez - 656 |
Cuernavaca, State Morelos: 777 |
Durango, State Durango: 618 |
Ensenada - 646 |
Guadalajara, State Jalisco: 33 |
Guanajuato, State Guanajuato: 473 |
La Paz, State Baja California Sur: 612 |
Manzanillo, State Colima: 314 |
Merida, State Yucatan: 999 |
Mexicali, State Baja California Norte: 686 |
Monterrey, State Nuevo Leon: 81 |
Morelia, State Michoacan: 443 |
Nuevo Vallarta, State Nayarit: 322 |
Oaxaca, State Oaxaca: 951 |
Pachuca, State Hidalgo: 771 |
Puebla, State Puebla: 222 |
Puerto Vallarta - 322 |
San Jose del Cabo - 624 |
San Miguel de Allende - 415 |
Queretaro, State Queretaro: 658 |
Tijuana, State Baja California Norte: 664 |
Tuxtla Gutierrez, State Chiapas: 961 |
Veracruz, State Veracruz: 229 |
Villahermosa, State Tabasco: 993 |
Zacatecas, State Zacatecas: 492
Dial 040 for updated information as these these regional telephone prefixes may change. |
To call Mexico City tag: |
011 (international access code) + 52 (country code) + 55 (Long Distance) + phone number to dial.
Long distance code from major cities in Mexico Dial 040 for updated information as these these regional telephone prefixes may change. |
To call abroad from a public booth requires a
LADATEL prepaid card that can be bought in shops and supermarkets.
The cellular services widely practiced and offers a very wide coverage.
There are many companies engaged in the sale and rental of equipment mobile telephones.
The population of Mexico is 103 100 000 (according to the count INEGI 2005), which makes it the 11th place worldwide in this category. |
The Largest City Mexico City is the Capital: Mexico City (DF) which has a population of 13 million people. |
Vicente Fox Quesada was the curr Chairman of the Federal Democratic Republic of Mexico, from December 2000 to 2006 and represented the PAN - National Action Party. |
The Mexican northern border with EE.UUtiene 3117.9 km of extension. It also limits the southeast by Guatemala (960 km) and 176 km border with Belize |
Area: Total 1,972,550 km2 Since 14th worldwide - Area: Water 2.5% The length of the mainland of Mexico is 11,122 km, treat the second in America, after Canada |
Mexican states and Capitals |
Aguascalientes - Aguascalientes |
Baja California - Mexicali |
Baja California Sur - La Paz |
Campeche - San Francisco de Campeche |
Chiapas - Tuxtla Gutierrez |
Chihuahua - Chihuahua |
Coahuila de Zaragoza - Saltillo |
Colima - Colima |
Durango - Victoria de Durango |
Guanajuato - Guanajuato |
Guerrero - Chilpancingo de los Bravo |
Hidalgo - Pachuca de Soto |
Jalisco - Guadalajara |
Mexico - Toluca de Lerdo |
Michoacan de Ocampo - Morelia |
Morelos - Cuernavaca |
Nayarit - Tepic |
Nuevo Leon - Monterrey |
Oaxaca - Oaxaca de Juarez |
Puebla - Puebla de Zaragoza |
Queretaro - Santiago de Queretaro |
Quintana Roo - Chetumal |
San Luis Potosi - San Luis Potosi |
Sinaloa - Culiacan |
Sonora - Hermosillo |
Tabasco - Villahermosa |
Tamaulipas - Ciudad Victoria |
Tlaxcala - Tlaxcala de Xicohtencatl |
Veracruz - Xalapa-Enriquez |
Yucatan - Merida |
Zacatecas - Zacatecas |
Codes of Mexico+52 MX - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp |
Mexico Codes (+52) MX MEX - Country Code for Mobile Phones, Telephone Calls, Whatsapp Messages and SMS. List of International Dial Code by City. Mobile Phone Companies. |
(+52) Mexico Country Code. International Dial Code. Search by city. Find phone, address, and contacts |
.MX is the country code for internet and national web sites |
443 - Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes |
686 - Mexicali, Baja California |
612 - La Paz, Baja California Sur |
San Francisco de Campeche, Campeche |
961 - Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas |
614 - Chihuahua, Chihuahua |
871 - Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza |
312 - Colima, Colima |
618 - Victoria de Durango, Durango |
473 - Guanajuato, Guanajuato |
747 - Chilpancingo de los Bravo, Guerrero |
771 - Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo |
33 - Guadalajara, Jalisco |
722 - Toluca de Lerdo, Mexico |
443 - Michoacan de Ocampo, Morelia |
777 - Cuernavaca, Morelos |
- Tepic, Nayarit |
81 - Nuevo Leon, Monterrey |
951 - Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca |
222 - Puebla de Zaragoza, Puebla |
442 - Chetumal, Queretaro |
998 - Cancun, Quintana Roo |
444 - San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi |
667 - Culiacan, Sinaloa |
- Hermosillo, Sonora |
993 - Villahermosa, Tabasco |
- Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas |
Tlaxcala de Xicohtencatl, Tlaxcala |
- Xalapa Enriquez, Veracruz |
999 - Merida, Yucatan |
492 - Zacatecas, Zacatecas |
664 Tijuana, Baja California Norte |
624 - Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur |
624 - San Jose del Cabo, Baja California Sur |
646 - Ensenada Baja California, |
415 - Guanajuato, San Miguel de Allende |
656 - Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua |
322 - Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco |
314 - Manzanillo, Colima |
744 - Acapulco, Guerrero |
322 - Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit |
229 - Veracruz, Veracruz |
Cellular Services Telephones |
Internet / VOIP |
Maps |
International |
Telephones Emergency |
Phone Services |
Find Phone Number |
Area Codes in Mexico |
Mobile Phones |
Travel Agencies Travel |
Travel Services |
Travel Guides |
Reviews |
Aventures |
Tourist Information |
Weather |
Hotels |
Transportation |
Banks and Financial Guide |
Services |
Industry |
Commerce |
Internet |
Real Estate |
Marketing |
Construction |
Agriculture |
Business |
Economic Indicators |
Money and Bills |
Internet |
Software |
Hardware |
Laws, Lawyers, Legal |
Sports, Soccer |
Federal Government Government |
Government by States |
Government by Counties |
Embassies and Consulates |
General Information |
National Symbols |
Constitution |
Institucions Education |
Organizacions |
Universities |
Schools |
Collegues |
Educacion |
Health |
Cosmetic surgery |
Spas and Gymns |
Radios Entertainment |
Television |
News and Newspapers |
Magazines |
Travel Magazines |
Mexican Chats |
Art and Culture |
Museums |
Theaters |
Photography |
Artists |
Art Galleries |
Literature |
History and Sociology |
Organizations |
Elections and Politics |
Music |
Books |
Nature |
Mexico - Phone Numbers
in Mexico
Dialing a cell phone in Mexico from abroad -
How to call to Mexico from US? Dial to Mexico from United States or Canada
To reach a mobile phone from outside Mexico a 1 must be added before the area code: |
011 + 52 + area code + phone number (From US or Canada) |
00 + 52 + area code + phone number (From Europe) |
List of Area code, City or metropolitan area in Mexico |
Mexico - Phone Numbers in Mexico |
55 - Mexico City |
81 - Monterrey, Nuevo Leon |
33 - Guadalajara, Jalisco |
656 - Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua |
614 - Chihuahua, Chihuahua |
999 - Mérida, Yucatán |
222 - Puebla, Puebla |
442 - Queretaro, Queretaro |
443 - Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes |
664 - Tijuana, Baja California |
661 - Rosarito, Baja California |
646 - Ensenada, Baja California |
686 - Mexicali, Baja California |
667 - Culiacan, Sinaloa (668) |
687 - Guasave, Sinaloa |
722 - Toluca, Estado de Mexico |
998 - Cancun, Quintana Roo |
871 - Torreon, Coahuila |
744 - Acapulco, Guerrero |
444 - San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosi |
833 - Tampico, Tamaulipas |
961 - Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas |
962 - Tapachula, Chiapas |
List of Dialing prefixes - Dial prefix is available for use from within Mexico |
Prefix, Use, Format, Digits after prefix |
00 - International direct dialing - 00 + country code + phone number |
01 - Domestic direct dialing - 01 + area code + phone number - 10 |
02 - Domestic operator dialing - 02 + area code + phone number - 10 |
09 - International operator dialing - 09 + country code + phone number |
044 - Local cell phone from a land line - 044 + area code + phone number - 10 |
Local area code - Local |
cell phone from a cell phone - area code + phone number - 10 |
045 - Domestic cell phone from a land line - 045 + area code + phone number - 10 |
01 - Domestic cell phone from a cell phone - 01 + area code + phone number - 10 |
Other service numbers |
020 - Operator-assisted domestic collect call |
030 - Local time |
031 - Wake up service |
040 - Information / directory |
050 - Phone company hotline |
060 - Police |
065 - Red Cross |
066 - Emergency services |
070 - City hotline (not available in some cities) |
071 - CFE hotline (electric company) |
080 - Emergency services |
090 - Operator-assisted international collect call |
Mexico Country Code: +52 |
International Call Prefix: 00 |
Trunk Prefix: 01
Mexico ISO : MX ISO3 : MEX ISO-Numeric : 484 FIPS : MX Country : Mexico Capital : Mexico City Area km2 : 1972550 Population : 126190788 Continent : NA Internet : .mx Currency Code : MXN Currency Name : Peso Phone : 52 Postal Code Format : ##### Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{5})$ Languages : es-MX Geo : 3996063 Neighbours countries : GT,US,BZ Country : MX, State : Aguascalientes, State Name : Aguascalientes, Country : MX, State : Baja California, State Name : Baja California, Country : MX, State : Baja California Sur, State Name : Baja California Sur, Country : MX, State : Campeche, State Name : Campeche, Country : MX, State : Chiapas, State Name : Chiapas, Country : MX, State : Chihuahua, State Name : Chihuahua, Country : MX, State : Coahuila, State Name : Coahuila, Country : MX, State : Colima, State Name : Colima, Country : MX, State : Mexico City, State Name : Mexico City, Country : MX, State : Durango, State Name : Durango, Country : MX, State : Guanajuato, State Name : Guanajuato, Country : MX, State : Guerrero, State Name : Guerrero, Country : MX, State : Hidalgo, State Name : Hidalgo, Country : MX, State : Jalisco, State Name : Jalisco, Country : MX, State : Mexico, State Name : México, Country : MX, State : Michoacan, State Name : Michoacán, Country : MX, State : Morelos, State Name : Morelos, Country : MX, State : Nayarit, State Name : Nayarit, Country : MX, State : Nuevo Leon, State Name : Nuevo León, Country : MX, State : Oaxaca, State Name : Oaxaca, Country : MX, State : Puebla, State Name : Puebla, Country : MX, State : Queretaro, State Name : Querétaro, Country : MX, State : Quintana Roo, State Name : Quintana Roo, Country : MX, State : San Luis Potosi, State Name : San Luis Potosí, Country : MX, State : Sinaloa, State Name : Sinaloa, Country : MX, State : Sonora, State Name : Sonora, Country : MX, State : Tabasco, State Name : Tabasco, Country : MX, State : Tamaulipas, State Name : Tamaulipas, Country : MX, State : Tlaxcala, State Name : Tlaxcala, Country : MX, State : Veracruz, State Name : Veracruz, Country : MX, State : Yucatan, State Name : Yucatán, Country : MX, State : Zacatecas, State Name : Zacatecas, ----- country-timezones ----- Country : MX, Zone : Bahia Banderas, Hour GMT : -6, Continent : America , Country : MX, Zone : Cancun, Hour GMT : -5, Continent : America , Country : MX, Zone : Chihuahua, Hour GMT : -7, Continent : America , Country : MX, Zone : Hermosillo, Hour GMT : -7, Continent : America , Country : MX, Zone : Matamoros, Hour GMT : -6, Continent : America , Country : MX, Zone : Mazatlan, Hour GMT : -7, Continent : America , Country : MX, Zone : Merida, Hour GMT : -6, Continent : America , Country : MX, Zone : Mexico City, Hour GMT : -6, Continent : America , Country : MX, Zone : Monterrey, Hour GMT : -6, Continent : America , Country : MX, Zone : Ojinaga, Hour GMT : -7, Continent : America , Country : MX, Zone : Tijuana, Hour GMT : -8, Continent : America , |
Mexico Code 52 - Dial Codes, Whatsapp and SMS Messages |
Code Mexico Phones |
Internet MX Code for the Country mx |
International 52 Code list by country and city. How to dial in Mexico |
Phone 52 Find phone numbers and mobile companies |